Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A book cover design I did from drawings a sketches done in a figure drawing class.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

This is a preliminary pencil sketch of an illustration I will start painting soon.  It's supposed to illustrate a scene in a fairy tale.  The fairy tale is called Diamonds and Toads.  It's one of the lesser known tales.  In the story a beautiful girl is kind to an old woman so the woman gives her a gift: every time she speaks from that day forward out of her mouth will come either jewels or flowers.  I've tried to portray that moment right after receiving the gift from the old hag.

Line sketch of an Aubrey Beardsley inspired project.  Soon I'll be inking everything and eventually it will be a black and white piece.  This is the skeleton of it.  I'll post it again once it's finished.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A piece I did for a short story called dominion.  The story was basically a new twist on a creation myth.  Adam and Eve in Eden with the serpent and two kittens.